Happy Holidays to my Teachers
I will admit it; I was a teacher's pet. Well, more like stray dog. When I was in third grade, I spent hours after school and on Saturdays...
Why Should We Pay Teachers More?
(http://www.fox13news.com/news/local-news/students-hold-walkouts-at-hillsborough-county-schools) When I graduated from college, I had a...
As We Are...
We are in the first year of implementation of Michigan's new 3rd grade reading law, the law that has at its heart a desire to ensure that...
#metoo #selfcompassion
Millions of women and men around the world are posting #metoo today on all sorts of social media platforms to speak out about their...
So Much Noise!
The other morning was not so much different than most mornings. As I was getting ready, one of my children barged through the door to...