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"How Teacher Turnover Harms Student Achievement"


These researchers looked at over 600,000 4th and 5th grade students over the course of 5 years to measure the impact of teacher turnover. They found that students who experienced higher levels of teacher turnover had lower scores in ELA and math, especially amongst African American students. They also found that beyond the scores, teacher turnover has a negative impact on institutional knowledge and collegiality or relational trust.   


"2017 Educator Quality of Work Life Survey"


This survey was conducted by the American Federation of Teachers and an association of teachers called the Badass Teachers Association (BAT). The results showcase the major issues we are facing around teacher mental health. 


"Teacher Stress and Health: Effects on Teachers, Students, and Schools"


Research conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Penn State University showcases: 


  • "Forty-six percent of teachers report high daily stress, which compromises their health, sleep, quality of life, and teacher performance." 

  • "When teachers are highly stressed, students show lower levels of both social adjustment and academic performance." 

  • "Interventions on the organizational or individual level, or those that reach both, can help reduce teacher stress by changing the culture and approach to teaching." 

  • "Programs for mentoring, workplace wellness, social emotional learning, and mindfulness are all proven to improve teacher well-being and student outcomes." 


"Where Have All the Teachers Gone" 


A brief but helpful discussion around the national teacher shortage across the United States.


"Primary Sources 2012: America's Teachers on the Teaching Profession" 


An intensive study conducted by Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that sought to "place teachers' voices at the center of the conversation on education reform by sharing their thoughts and opinions with the public, the media, and education leaders."  


Mindfulness for Teachers: A Pilot Study to Assess Effects on Stress, Burnout and Teaching Efficacy


A National Institute of Health study focused on looking at the effectiveness on mindfulness as a practice on teacher stress, burnout, and efficacy. The results showcase a preliminary understanding of the ways that mindfulness can be an effective way of improving teacher stress and burnout, and the results show an improvement in the efficacy of teachers in the classroom.

Our Annotated Bibliography Supporting the Skills of Resilience

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"If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes immediately, sometimes later." 

- Abraham Maslow

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