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Building schools where our educators want to work...
one support at a time.

We need help supporting our staff as a whole!

Tier    - Supports for Groups, Whole Staff, Whole District





  • Resilient Communities Presentations:

Whether your staff is looking for tools to better manage the stress in education, to build healthier collaborative practices, or to wrestle with some of the more challenging aspects of interpersonal work dynamics–difficult conversations, trust-building, or limiting gossip and complaining–, our workshops can help you take your staff to the next level. We will work with you to design the right fit for your team.

  • Relevant data collection: 

We believe that data can be an essential tool for revealing our blindspots and encouraging us to ask the right questions at the right moment. Both of our assessment tools are designed to help your teams better understand themselves as individuals and as a whole.

  • Personal Wellness Inventory:

We believe that we need to normalize self-check-ins in high stress professions where our stress can, unfortunately, cause damage to others and where the power of a professional community all doing the check-in together can be healing in and of itself. This 38 question inventory helps educators identify how they are doing in specific areas of an educator's wellbeing. 

  • Staff Culture Assessment: 

We believe that burnout is not a symptom of individuals themselves but the system in which they work (Maslach and Leiter). Therefore, it is critical to have data to help identify where the stress barriers are in a system. Continually taking the temperature check of a culture allows leaders to make informed decisions and allows educators to work together to transform the cultures in which they work. Our Staff Culture Assessment has the potential to be every leader's window into the soul of their staff culture.

Tier     - Staff Culture Development


We need help building a healthier staff culture!

Utilizing the data collected from our Staff Culture Assessment, we can help your district build a strategic plan for how you will begin to lower the stress barriers and build healthier, dynamic cultures. Unlike typical school climate surveys, this work is designed specifically to focus on the most challenging organizational problems within the team of adults who work in the system. Utilizing best practice from education, business, positive psychology, and organizational psychology, our process is a human-centered approach to building cultures where educators can feel seen, heard, and valued as well as encouraged to grow, learn, explore creatively, and push the boundaries of what we thought possible in education.

Step One:

Data Collection

Step Two:

Data Analysis

Step Three:

Strategic Planning

Utilizing our Staff Culture Assessment, we will collect data based on building, role, and years of service–providing you will a full picture of how your staff culture is doing.   

We will lead your teams (whole staff or smaller teams) through a process to ask the right questions of the data. Together, you will identify the focal points for the work ahead.

We will help your team take the focal points and build measurable goals for how they will work to collaboratively build healthier cultures in each of their specific spaces.

Step Five:


We believe that all good processes should be iterative. At the end of a school year, we will reassess and reexamine the progress being made towards the identified goals.

Step Four:

Enacting the Plan

We will help you identify the resources, skills to be built, and the training that might be helpful as your teams begin to enact the plans. We will coach your teams to success!

Tier     - One-on-one Coaching


We need help supporting our most burnt out educators!

Sometimes all we need is someone else to offer a confidential ear, an affirming response, or a explorative question in order to feel stronger, healthier. Our educator wellness coaching program utilizes the expertise of trained Educator Wellness Coaches, our Personal Wellness Inventory, and our Transformational Coaching Journey to support educators on their journey towards reclaiming their passion and purpose in education.

While not mandatory, we encourage every staff member to take the PWI. All personal data is kept confidential and will not be shared with the district or school. This data will be used to identify those who might benefit from the support of a coach. These individuals will be invited to participate in a coaching relationship and will have the choice to say "Yes!" or "No." 

Personal Wellness Inventory

If an educator says, "Yes!" to coaching, they are paired with one of our coaches. This is a confidential relationship–no one in a district will know that this individual is being coached. The coaching relationship is primarily virtual and can take place in the margins of an educator's time. Together, the coach and educator will explore the barriers preventing them from enjoying their jobs and identifying how to reclaim their purpose and passion in education. Also, because our coaches are educators, they speak the same language, making this even more powerful.  

Confidential Coaching

Our coaches are all supported in our coaching cohort communities. Each coach has a mentor coach and a community in which to explore new practices and to share some of the more challenging stories we hear. This model of continuous learning and support ensures that our coaches can show up for educators in powerful ways.

Coaching Community

While we are committed to keeping all individualized data and coaching relationships confidential, we will provide a district back the aggregated data based on building, role, and years of service. We believe that the data can be helpful in paving the way towards a healthier culture for all educators.

District-Level Data

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"If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes immediately, sometimes later." 

- Abraham Maslow

© 2023 Opportunity Thrive, Inc.
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